Roasted Walnuts (USA)
You may have heard the saying, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” This is so true. But, how about a fistful of walnuts a day, keeps illnesses at bay? Walnuts have many health benefits. In fact, walnuts surpass many other nuts when it comes to anti-oxidants and Omega-3, making it the king of nuts. Consuming just seven walnuts a day could help reduce your risk of heart disease, certain kinds of cancer, and type 2 diabetes, among other ailments. They are also wonderful ingredients for baking and cooking. Banana walnut muffins, carrot walnut cake, apple walnut salads, walnut brownies, oatmeal walnut cookies … the list goes on. It is not an overstatement to say that you can do a thousand and one things with walnuts. Nonetheless, walnuts are great healthy snacks. As a low-carb nut, the walnut is also keto-diet friendly.
Choose between aluminium brown bag or glass jar for your mix’s packaging. We only charge a minimal packaging fee of RM1.00 for aluminium brown bag and RM4.00 for glass jar as our initiative to keep the world eco-healthy!
Price per 100g: RM9.30 plus the packaging price of your choice.
* Only aluminium brown bags are available for standard shipments to Singapore and East Malaysia.
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