As we celebrate the new year of 2024,
we like to thank you for your immense support
throughout 2023.

Something happened in our small team in 2022
and it was all dissolved.
I was basically left alone and started all over again, building the team from scratch from 1 Aug 2022.
Thankfully, those who joined—Elaine and Kate in September and Alia in December—have stayed with us till now.
We started from ground zero. With their dedication and commitment at work, they picked up well.
We also fortunate to have Rashida joining us at the production team since July.

With a more stable manpower team,
it gives me the capacity to involve in community work,
as I no longer need to spare myself for the daily operation.

It was an immense honour when I received the invitation
from CPA Australia for their International Women's Day titled
Women In Tech.

I also had the privilege to give a
zero waste talk at Ideas and UCSI University.
It was always a wonderful moment to have the chance to share about the Zero waste lifestyle. The universe rewards us abundantly with our effort.
We attracted one of the audience, Fatimah, to join us as our very first intern. Throughout the 4 good months with us, Fatimah progressed much as our content developer.
In terms of our business development, our biggest pride was to become
the trusted supplier of Mandarin Oriental
since June 2023.
We believe we stood out among our competitors in the industry
mainly because of our eco-value.
The prestigious hotel has been championing
a plastic-free policy.
In terms of my personal life,
the loss of my grandma in 2023
was a huge pain.
With her passing at the age of 92, it was meant to be a celebration.
Nonetheless, it was painful as I had massive self-guilt for spending too little time with her in her old age.
I trust it is best for me to turn the sorrow into continuing to pay it forward within my capacity.
One last thing to share is my biggest personal development,
participating in my first marathon.
I literally felt like crying when I crossed the finish line. It was a very meaningful milestone for me as I did it with my hubby, probably the only passion we pursue together in our 17 years of marriage (perhaps that’s why it lasts till now, huh? :P)
Our resolutions for 2024 remain unchanged:
to consistently deliver high-quality superfoods
to each of you, promptly and with eco-friendly packaging.
Additionally, we aim to persist in advocating for a healthy and
eco-conscious lifestyle within the community.

for being part of this incredible journey.
New year - a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story?
Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.— Alex Morritt